Result code is printed here. 


Select target envirionment and type curl command in above text box. You get source code that works as same as curl command. Enjoy!

Supported Options

It doens’t support fully options of cURL. It supports only options for http 1.x in the following list:

[supported options:]

       --basic                             Use HTTP Basic Authentication (H)
       --compressed                        Request compressed response (using deflate or gzip)
   -d, --data=DATA                         HTTP POST data (H)
       --data-ascii=DATA                   HTTP POST ASCII data (H)
       --data-binary=DATA                  HTTP POST binary data (H)
       --data-urlencode=DATA               HTTP POST data url encoded (H)
   -F, --form=KEY=VALUE                    Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H)
       --form-string=KEY=VALUE             Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H)
   -G, --get                               Send the -d data with a HTTP GET (H)
   -H, --header=LINE                       Pass custom header LINE to server (H)
   -I, --head                              Show document info only
       --http1.1                           Use HTTP 1.1 (H)
       --http2                             Use HTTP 2 (H)
   -k, --insecure                          Allow connections to SSL sites without certs (H)
   -x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT]    Use proxy on given port
   -e, --referer=                          Referer URL (H)
   -X, --request=COMMAND                   Specify request command to use
       --tr-encoding                       Request compressed transfer encoding (H)
   -T, --upload-file=FILE                  Transfer FILE to destination
       --url=URL                           URL to work with
   -u, --user=USER[:PASSWORD]              Server user and password
   -A, --user-agent=STRING                 User-Agent to send to server (H)

Indices and tables